You need hope.
We can get there together.

My Approach

Sometimes life feels overwhelming, confusing, or painful. In those moments, making a connection with a counselor can be a powerful experience, and I am grateful to work each day with clients like you.

I primarily utilize person-centered therapy, which focuses on your specific experiences. You choose our direction, and I work alongside you as a guide. Based on your needs, I incorporate techniques from multiple modalities including Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) , Internal Family Systems, and Mindfulness to advance our work together.

When we work together, I’ll involve you in the plan so that you understand the why behind the techniques we’re using. My background is in clinical research and I understand that our brain, emotions, thoughts, behavior, and environment all work together to influence each other. I’ll make sure you feel confident in how our techniques will help you improve.

My commitment is to provide a compassionate and empathetic space where we can work together to begin making the changes you’re looking for.

Therapy for YOU

I received a Certificate in Multicultural & Social Justice Counseling and am passionate about working with the LGBTQ+ community and other historically marginalized identities. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community myself, I understand how identity can intertwine with every aspect of life, and I make sure to understand your unique story in order to best serve you in counseling.

I am committed to offering counseling services that involve and embrace all of the differences that each person brings to the room. I know that our identities influence our experiences and can affect how we live day-to-day.

Race, ability, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, and religion are all topics that come up in counseling because they are a part of us. I will work together with you to understand you and your lived experience.